The Park, covering 15,196 Ha, envolved from several already existing conservation areas. Cibodas Nature Reserve (240 Ha), gazetted in 1889, was the oldest reserve in Indonesia and in 1925 was extended to 1,040 Ha, Cimungkat Nature Reserve (56 Ha) gazetted ini 1919, Situgunung Recreational Park (120 Ha) gazetted in 1975, and Mount Gede Pangrango Nature Reserve (14,000 Ha) gazetted in 1978.
Gede Pangrango is one of the wettest part of Java with a mean annual rainfall between 3.000 and 4.000 mm and with, even in the four dries consecutive months of the year, still more than 40 rainy days. The wettest season in from October to May, coinciding with the Northwest monsoon, with more than 200 mm of rain every month and over 400 mm per month between December and March (the park is usually closed during this period).

Other explorations were conducted by F.W. Junghuhn (1839 - 1861), J.E. Teysman (1839), A.R. Wallace (1861), S.H. Koorders (1890), M. Treub (1891) and W.M. Van Leeuen (1911). C.G.G.J. Van Steenis (1920 - 1952) collected and studied here in preparation for his now famous book "The Mountain Flora of Java", published in 1972.
The park is within easy reach by road from Jakarta and Bandung, and the main entrance at Cibodas is situated about 120 km, or about 2.5 hours by car from Jakarta, and 85 km or about 2 hours by car from Bandung. It is also accessible from Cipanas and Pacet through Gunung Putri, just east of Cibodas, and from Sukabumi through Selabintana from the south at about 60 km or 1.5 hours by car from Bogor.
Another entrance is Situgunung, which can be reached through Cisaat, just west of Sukabumi. From these entrances, except from Situgunung, there are trails to the summits of Gunung Gede and Pangrango.
Gunung Gede Pangrango are a part of the great belt of volcanoes which extends in an arch through Sumatera, Java and the Lesser Sundas. These volcanoes were formed during the Quarternary period between 3 million years ago and the present time.
Pangrango and Gede are thus comparative new mountain geologically, though the former is the older of the two, no longer displaying any sign of volcano activity, while Gede is still semi active with a well defined crater within which gases escape from fumaroles. Gunung Gede (2,958 m) and Pangrango (3,019 m) are connected by a high saddle at about 2,500 m. Slopes are very step and are incised by valleys forming steep-sided ridges between them radiating out toward the flat plains of Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi.

Gunung Gede Pangrango are a part of the great belt of volcanoes which extends in an arch through Sumatera, Java and the Lesser Sundas. These volcanoes were formed during the Quarternary period between 3 million years ago and the present time.

Declared by Minister of Forestry No. 174/Kpts-II/2003, July 10, 2003.