Beautiful Place


Jakarta is the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta is a special territory enjoying the status of a province, consisting of greater Jakarta, covering of 637.44 sq km areas. Located on the northern coast of West Java, it is the center of government, commerce and the outside world. Strategically positioned in the archipelago, the city is also the principal gateway to the rest of Indonesia. From the capital city, sophisticated land, air and sea transport is available to the rest of the country and beyond.

Jakarta is one of Indonesia's designated tourist areas. It is gateway  to other tourist destinations in Indonesia and is equipped with all the means of modern transportation by air, sea, rail or by land. It has the largest and most modern airport in the country, the most important harbor in Indonesia and is well connected by rail of good roads to other destination in Java, Sumatera and Bali. As Indonesia's main gateway, Soekarno - Hatta International Airport serves a growing number of international airlines and domestic flights, and the worldly, often stand side by side in this bustling metropolis. Even its population gathered form all those diverse ethnic and cultural groups, which compose Indonesia, are constantly just apposed present reminder of the national's motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in diversity).

The province of DKI Jakarta is geographically located on 6o12' south latitude, and  106o48' east longitude. The government administration is set into 5 regions : South  Jakarta,  East J akarta, West Jakarta, North Jakarta and Central Jakarta and 1 regency or administrative city, namely Thousand Island Regency. The largest city is East Jakarta (187.73 sq km) and the smallest is  Thousand Island Regency (11.82 sq km).  The average rainfall is 924.50 to 1,916.80 mm/year. The temperature is between 22o C to 33o C.

Not less 9 millions people live in Jakarta, representing nearly all the ethnic groups in the archipelago. The major groups are Sundanese, Javanese, Chinese. Native community is Betawi (People of Betawi). The other large groups are the Minangkabau people, the Bataks, the Manadonase, and the other people from Sulawesi and the Ambonase. People of Betawi emerged in the 19th century from the melting pot of races, ethnic groups and cultures. They have their own cultures distinct from other ethnic's cultures. In 1923  they founded organization called Kaum Betawi, which was in fact a statement about the existence of the Betawi ethnic group. The majority profeses is Islam, but it doesn't mean that Indonesia is an Islamic state. It is Pancasila state, and  one of the principles of Pancasila, the state ideology, is "Believe in the One Supreme God", this means that the various belief systems must be respected an respect each other. This explains the ubiquitous Moslem prayer houses in the city, beside many churches and a few temples. 

Jakarta has preserved its past and is developing for the future. Skyscrappers in the center of the city are part of a new look. Modern luxury hotels today cater to the discriminating visitors. Transport within the city is plentiful. Jakarta is the center of the nation's industrial, political and cultural life. It is home to many of the country's finest research institutes, educational facilities and cultural organizations. Jakarta is uniquely the seat of both the national as well as the regional government.

Indonesians are known as friendliest people in the world toward foreigners and most tolerant towards their manners. But there are few things, which are not done among Indonesia. They consider the head as something sacred that must be respected. Patting on the head is not done among adults. Calling someone by crooking the index finger is considered impolite and giving or receiving things with  the left hand is no - where acceptable. The handshake accompanied with a smile is common among men and woman greeting or welcoming somebody.