Beautiful Place

Laiwangi Wanggameti

Laiwangi  Wanggameti National Park is geographically consist of hills, valleys, and wavy region, located in East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia, which has an area of 47.014 hectares, has rainforest classification and Elfin Forest which has a relative high value species diversity mainly located at an altitude 0f 800 meters above sea level.

Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park have a flat rate up to extreme steepness. In general, the tipe of ecosystem in the Laiwangi Wanggameti include mangrove forest, beach forest, tropycal dry forest and season with lowland rain forest to mountain.  Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park are water catchment areas, include two river basins of watershed and sub watershed 'Kambaniru Nggogi'

East Sumba has 7 Watershed, namely Kambaniru 111.000 acres, Kaliongga 55.000 acres, Melolo 45.000 acres, Kadahang 40.000 acres, Nggogi 26.000 acres, Tidas 33.000 acres and Watumbaka 23.000 acres.

Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park has some types of plants such as Pulai (Alstonia scholaris), Guava Forests (Syzygium sp.), Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Suren (Toona sureni), Banyan (Ficus sp.), Nuts (Canarium oleosum), Honggi (Myristica littoralis), Taduk (Sterculia foetida), Kesambi (Schleichera oleosa), and Hangkang (Palaquium obovatum).

Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park is the habitat of some wildlife such as Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis fascicularis), Wild Boar (Sus sp.) Monitor Lizard (Varanus salvator), Timor Python (Python timorensis), and Jungle Fowl (Gallus gallus). In addition, a major population of birds Walik Rawamanu (Ptilinopus dohertyl), Sumba Pigeon (Treron teysmannii), and various other bird species such as Gemak Sumba (Tumix everettii), Cockatoos Cempaka (Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata), Parrots (Lorius domicella), Sweep Sumba (Ficedula harterti), Orioles-sungu Sumba (Coracina doherty), and Honey Sumba (Nectarinia buettikoferi).

Recorded as many as 43 butterfly species includingn three endemic species in Nusa Tenggara is a Butterfly Hallpron (Troides haliphron NAIAS), Elimnias amoena, Sumalia chilo, Ideopsis oberthurii, and Athyma karita.

Laiwangi Wanggamet was just recently designated as a national park, so the facility for visitors is still very limited. Homestay accomodation is available in the form provided and managed by local communities.

Natural attraction in the area Laiwangi Wanggameti that there are quite a lot with a beautiful panorama of waterfals including Laputi waterfalls, Kanabuai waterfalls, Waikanabu waterfalls, Kahalatua waterfalls. Lake Laputi where there is the sacred eels (local people call it 'Apu').

Around the Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park can be found many ancient tombs carved with a motif such as horses, buffalo, men and women. It's a symbol of ancient tombs and social status of the family left behind.

In the daily life, people of Sumba is divided into several stratas which are th Aristocratic, Kabihu, and Ata (ordinary people). The activities of the non-ordinary blend in society in the community of East Sumba to a bound called 'kabihu' which illustrate the closeness of the bond order custom, especially in the sacred events like funeral, marriage and mutual cooperation within kin relatives of the family.

The relationship between the 'patrician' and 'ata' built with family and kinship, even 'serung' as the relationship between child and father. Traditional patterna such as this need conserved as one of East Sumba Ethnic pride.

Declared by Minister of Forestry No. 576/Kpts-II/1998. August 13,1998.