Beautiful Place


Mount Ciremai National Park (TNGC) is a conservation area located in the province of West Java, Indonesia. This national park is intended to protect the living resources and environment in the region of Mount Ciremai.

Mount Ciremai National Park has an area of 15,000 hectares partially in Majalengka Regency (6,927.9 Ha) and partly in the Kuningan Regency (8,931.27 Ha). In the northern forest area is adjacent to the area of Cirebon; in the south, the boundaries are located in areas Cigugur, Kadugede, Nusaherang and Darma, in the west are in the area Majalengka.

Mount Ciremai National Park is between the lines of longitude 108o21'35'' - 108o28'00'' East longitude and latitude lines 6o50'25'' - 6o58'26'' South latitude. Topography is mostly undulating (64 %) and steep (22 %), is mountainous, with the highest peak at an altitude of 3,078 m above sea level. Toward the top of Cigugur quite rich in tree species. Listed among the types of 'Saninten' (Castanopsis argentea, C. javanica), 'Pasang' (Lithocarpus elegans and L. sundaicus), 'Mara' (Macaranga denticulata), and 'Janitri' (Elaeocarpus obtusus, and E. Petiolatus stipularis).

Mount Ciremai (3,078 m asl) is the volcano is still and the type of Strato. Administratively included in the three district, namely Kabupaten Cirebon, Kuningan and Majalengka Regency, West Java. The geographical position of the peak is located at 6o53'30'' latitude and 108o24'00'' East longitude. This mountain has a distinctive when compared with other mountains on the island of Java, as well as Mount Slamet, the mountain is separated from the other high mountains, but Mount Ciremai are closer to the Java Sea. The activities of the last recorded in 1973, a tectonic earthquake is strong enough.

Furthermore, based on micro climatic conditions, environmental distinguish Ciremai upper plateau of dry and wet highland. For example, land in the Resort Setianegara (lane north Linggarjati) micro dry climates and in the Resort Cigugur (Palutungan Point, the southern mountain) including micro wet climates, which form a special vegetation belt. This mountain has a double crater, western crater radius is truncated by a crater 400 m east of radius 600 m. At an altitude of about 2,900 m above sea level on the southern slope there are ex-point eruption called 'Goa Walet'.

The protected flora are the types of Saninten (Castanopsis argentea, C. javanica, C. tungurrut) and Pairs (Lithocarpus elegants and L. sundaicus), of the tribe Fagaceae; Jenitri (Elaeocarpus obtusus, and E. petiolatus, E. stipularis), spare Elaeocarpaceae; Mara (Macaranga denticulata) and Kareumbi (Omalanthus populneus), Euphorbiaceae tribe; various Jirak (Symplocos fasciculata, S. Spicara, S. sessilifolia, S. theaefolia), Symplocaceae; the types of fig (Ficus including padana and F. racemosa), Moraceae; Puspa (Schima wallichii) and Ki Sapu (Eurya acuminata), Theaceae, etc.

Mount Ciremai also serve as an important area for birds (IBA, Important Bird Areas JID 24) as well as endemic bird areas (EBA, Endemic Bird Areas DBE 160). Some of the status of vulnerable species (IUCN: VU, vulnerable), for example Plop Java (Otus angelinae) and Ciung Mungkal Java (Chochoa azurea). Noted also at least 18 other species with the status of range birds (restricted bird areas) as well as the Java Quail Barking (Aborophyla javanica), Walik (Ptilinopus porphyreus), Takur Bututut (Megalaima corvina), Blue Berkecet (Cinclidium ciana), Poksai (Garrulax rufifrons), Cica (Crocias albonotatus), Opior Java (Lophozosterops javanicus), Walnut Wilt (Serinus estherae), and others. Cucak mountain is one of the restricted range bird species found in Ciremai. Some important mammal species found here, like leopard (Panthera pardus); Surili (Presbytis comata); Eboni Leaf Monkey (Trachypithecus auratus); Javan Slow Loris of Face Geni (Nycticebus javanicus); Muncak Deer (Muntiacus muntjak); and Pelanduk Java (Tragulus javanicus).

Declared by Minister of Forestry No. 424/Menhut-II/2004, October 19, 2004.